• सबसे अधिक हत्याएँ समन्वयवादियों ने की दार्शनिकों ने सबसे अधिक ज़ेवर खरीदा भीड़ ने कल बहुत पीटा उस आदमी को जिस का मुख ईसा से मिलता था वह कोई और महीना था जब प्रत्येक टहनी पर फूल खिलता था किंतु इस बार तो मौसम बिना बरसे ही चला गया न कहीं घटा घिरी न बूँद…

  • Source: Azaad, Amba. “Fire to the Grass.” The Massachusetts Review, Volume 65, Issue 1, 2024, massreview.org/sites/default/files/10_65.1Azaad.pdf. IN this essay Amba Azaad makes a strong and comprehensive case for radical unforgiveness. It’s a gorgeous gorgeous essay and everyone should read it, the following are some quotations that spoke to me. Resentment and bitterness are treated like…

  • So I threw some of these lines at Bard and true to its name, it made stuff that is better than my lines. Still not sure if any of it counts as poetry but there are definitely a line or two or a metaphor or two here that are interesting. What I wrote: Read Nietzsche…

  • The following is a conversation with a LLM chatbot Llama, which is just funny. using the model llava-v1.5-7b-q4 User: what is a category error in logic and give some examples as well as examples of what is not a category error although it looks like it Llama: In logic, a “category error” refers to an…

  • Tech is heavily invested in giant language models. This is because, with transfer learning, language models suddenly started being able to do a LOT more. And a lot better. A lot of high citation publications have also been an outcome of this exploration of language models For most parts in NLP engineering, LMs went from…

  • You’re searching for poems that talk about cutlery. Because you can. Also because a lot of times you don’t remember the precise detail or term used in a document that you want to find. And also because compiling a list of poems about our relationship with food-ingestion-tools would be fun. Maybe it’s not poetry you…

  • This story was originally published in The Indian Ladies’ Magazine, Madras, 1905. Taken from WikiSource. One evening I was lounging in an easy chair in my bedroom and thinking lazily of the condition of Indian womanhood. I am not sure whether I dozed off or not. But, as far as I remember, I was wide…

  • I have been learning things about semantic search and somehow found myself back to wondering about how to train a Hindi or Malayalam language model. I have done this in the LSTM days, and while I’ve kept up with some research, I haven’t with the engineering. Anyway, so if you want to do some language…

  • Over the last few years, everyone I speak to seems to know about AI. Ethical issues around AI are being actively discussed and debated, not just in the professional sense but also around coffee tables and at informal discussions by users. This post is an attempt to provide an overview of the issues and approaches.…

  • @swarraj’s tweet lead me to this report The #SurvivingViolence team interviewed police across ranks. The police are the most visible and accessible (present in every area) support service provider. https://t.co/SUSUi9feZV — Swarna Rajagopalan (@swarraj) June 16, 2023    Source: Swarna Rajagopalan with ACR Sudaroli, Sandhya Srinivasan and Anu Aroon, Stuck in a Circle: Surviving Domestic…