These last few months when I’ve been bed-ridden and vacationing, I read for over 8 hours a day. Yes, I counted.
I love reading long articles.
Most websites are not designed to help you with reading long form articles. Till Readability happened, I would tweak websites via firebug to make long articles readable. Readability has changed everything for me. One click and 2000 word articles in NYRB are not an eye sore.
I cant find Indian long-form writing easily
Yes, Caravan tries, ugly typography notwithstanding, but I have a suspicion that the best longform writing by Indians on the web happens in blogs. Are there other outlets? I know about Longreads. I was thrilled to find a movement that cares about reading. I even have my own page on Longreads. But Longreads, now, is all about American/British writing.
Help me out here
I care about the beauty of the writing. I care about what you have to say. I like writing that goes beyond the usual conclusions. I know this country is messed up, I know women are treated badly, I know healthcare sucks. Stating that much is not enough. Tell me a story. Or give me a new idea. Say something hilarious or outrageous. Make me think. Please.
I will help you
On my blog, I will run a regular digest of such long reads. I will also tag them with #longreads or #longreadsindia on twitter.
Oh, and spare me politics.
Thank you.
Long-form, for the web, is anything 1500 words or more but not 6000 words. Plus/Minus 10% is fine.