Long-form Indian writing- Digest 002

I’ve been trying to find bloggers who write longer posts, and am happy to feature a few today.

My child’s spirit is just as important as her physical health.

Karina Varma (BziB on twitter) and her daughter had a not-uncommon horrific experience in a hospital. If you are a healthcare provider or a parent, this post if of great importance to you.

I have never forgiven myself for those forty five minutes when I let someone tell me that being a mother made me inadequate for a particular situation. But it was an excellent lesson, one that now makes me rabid about every single detail of my child’s care. I no longer accept everything her doctor says. I question everything now. When we went in for a follow up, the first thing we asked him was, if the need ever arose again would he consider us taking her to another hospital. He agreed. He even helped us with names of doctors in other hospitals whom we could meet with and decide on. See why we like him?

Notes from a script lab – Which side of the river do you want to be on?

So what happens in a script lab? Does it really help? If so, in what way? – These are few questions that i have been asked many times since i attended the NFDC-Locarno script lab. Have been thinking about writing a post for a long time but never managed to do so. And so here’s Vikas Chandra‘s post about his experience at Mahindra-Sundance script lab. His script Toothache was one of the eight scripts selected for the lab this year.

Vikas Chandra (@vikSchandra) describes his experiences in a script lab, this is great advice for not just movie makers, but anyone who wants to craft a story.

Ignobel Indians

We might not be winning any Nobel prizes but there is no drought of Ignobel winners from India, from formulas to calculate elephant body surface areas to the physics of hoola hooping. Priyanka Pulla in Open magazine.

Leaving love out in the cold

The playground is indeed the best place to get a glimpse of who your kids are going to be when they grow up. It is also a place to reexamine your filters, clean out the cupboard of your prejudices and open up your world to the lacy fan of possibility. On one such evening, as I watched them, I saw a bunch of kids ranging from 4.5 years to nearly 13 snicker, look goofily uncomfortable and exchange looks with each other when my little girl said “I love you, don’t go” to one of the kids.

Is your child comfortable in identifying what and who she loves? Sandhya Menon tells us about her princess.