“Satyameva Jayate” (satyam-eva jayate सत्यमेव जयते) (Sanskrit: “Truth Alone Triumphs”) is the national motto of India. It is inscribed in Devanagari script at the base of the national emblem. The origin of the motto is a well-known mantra 3.1.6 from the Mundaka Upanishad. Full mantra as follows.
satyameva jayate nānṛtaṁ
satyena panthā vitato devayānaḥ |
yenā kramantyṛṣayo hyāptakāmā
yatra tat satyasya paramaṁ nidhānam ||In devanāgarī :
सत्यमेव जयते नानृतम् सत्येन पन्था विततो देवयानः ।
येनाऽऽक्रमन्त्यृषयो ह्याप्तकामा यत्र तत् सत्यस्य परं निधानं ॥Meaning:
Truth alone triumphs; not falsehood.
Through truth the divine path is spread out by which
the sages whose desires have been completely fulfilled,
reach where that supreme treasure of Truth resides.From: Wikipedia
In the last week or so, I am sure you have bemoaned the corruption and general mess that prevails in India at least once. Corruption is so ubiquitous so pervasive that many times, we hardly notice it. And while speaking about corruption is easy, doing something about it is very hard. It requires courage, integrity and an immense store of patience. If you speak out against it, you will be admired in private, ridiculed in public and harassed throughout your life. In spite of this, it is reassuring to see that there are individuals and groups all across India engaged in fighting corruption using various tools and mediums.
I hope to introduce, as I get involved, Various such groups. I would like to begin with
1. Sanjay Uchav- @Nobribe who writes on the No Bribe Website and runs the Corruption free India Facebook group. Follow the site for regular articles about fighting corruption and practical ideas about how to do it yourself. He also regularly points out to both corruption and anti-corruption news from across the country. Mr. Uchav fights corruption from Bihar. You can even see and contribute to a bribery rate card to see what the prevalent “rates” in your area are.
2. Sanjeev sabhlok author of the fabulous book “breaking free of nehru” and founder of The Freedom Team of India, a political party in its inception that dreams to bring clean governance to India. he has started a group called “Boycott Corrupt Politicians” on facebook, and you can join for updates on how to join the good fight. More about him
Now for an Explanation of the Post title.
Over at No Bribe, a great new post is up, about what truth really means in india for example
- Law will take its own course actually means that it would go round and round forever without ever converging on the issue.
- We will look into the incident actually means that everyone will soon forget it.
- We will not leave the matter alone actually means that the matter will be given a silent burial.
Head over there for the full article – The art of Double speak.
Totally delighted to have found your blog. If you knew me, you would know what a huge compliment I am paying you. I am usually allergic to doctors. 😀
Thanks for this introduction. Only an avalanche of this kind of writing will eventually bring a change. However, each individual contribution is important as another step to building it up.
Johnson C. Philip