Tag at source

Back in the day when pirating music was a big thing, I too had an impressive 40 GB collection. When I say “back in the day” I am talking about the time when internet was all dial-up and the fastest broadband available was 128kbps.

40GB of mp3s is more than you can listen to in a lifetime, and knowing this did not stop me from acquiring it. Not all these were downloaded from the net, I, personally preferred ripping cds that friends and relatives and neighbours had. Now, as you can imagine, organizing these MP3s was a bitch. The regular mp3-pirate was expected to know what tools to use and how to keep the library organized. So I used tools like music brain picard, tagmp3, mediamonky and (my favorite) foobar2000. These lovely tools, used correctly would ensure that my mp3s were tagged, categorized and organized in the folder structure of our choice.

But all these tools were useless if I did not follow the golden rule: Tag at source.

Once there were a few GBs of untagged stuff on my hard drive, it was next to impossible to make sense of it.

Every pirate knew this, if you dont tag at source, you are going to end up with useless music.

Sort at source – this is a golden rule for life.

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